Students and the Economy Today
Author: Tom TessinOver the past few years many downfalls has beset college students slowing down the process and even causing a lot of drop outs. One of the major things that our young people have had to face is the problems in the Middle East. Many of our young people were ask and they elected to go abroad and help during the crisis that we have been having in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of these young people have lost their lives while others have been faced with total disabilities that prevented them from going to college when they returned home.
The cost of tuition to attend college has been a major deterrent that stopped many young people from going to college. Unfortunately, the job market has been very bad which prevents our younger people from going to college. Many lay-offs and downsizing in major corporations of executives has made many of our young people wonder if they want to go to college to become accountants, architects, account executives etc. Is it any wonder with all the major problems that the ones who now hold the position that younger people find they do no longer want to go in the business world?
Many other positions are opening which makes it better for those who want to attend college. The field of medicines is one that has many openings while some of the fields in business are phasing out which makes many changes in the courses that colleges are now offering. President Obama's stimulus package has promised that college students will not be forgotten with his intentions to help the student as well as the colleges to get back on their feet it is a matter of time before we can really tell what will happen.
College students feel the crunch of our failing economy with the cost of attending school without as much help as they have had in the past. Now that the promise of more grants from the government many students are taking a new interest in some of those careers that are offered by the local community colleges as well as Universities. New students are very interested in finding a career that will last and with the help that is offered they feel that it is possible. Many college students who have felt the crunch in the past now feel that they are on the road to recovery with the aid of the government.
As the economy goes on, it just works in cycle and sooner or later, you'll find that the banks are willing to lend again, colleges will drop prices and everyone around you will be hiring once again. This is just how our world works. If it makes you feel any better, many experts believe that we will never see a time like this again in our lifetime and it could only happen every few hundred years. As America learns from their mistakes, so do we. The economy will hurt us for now but let's hope it gets better.
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