These days, it may seem more difficult to find a job after graduating from college, as so many teenagers elect to attend college after high school than have in the past. It now seems that going to college is becoming a necessity if one wishes to find a job, just as a high school diploma was on par previously.
So what is one to do if they wish to set themselves apart from all the rest after their undergraduate career? Locating and participating in a college internship has become a very effective way in bolstering your resume for recruiters and employers upon graduation.
Not only does its presence on a resume serve a candidate well, but also the experiences and values one can gain by participating in an internship are numerous. As many kids turn to college after graduation, finding a college internship can help separate you from the pack of those whose similar resumes must seem repetitive to recruiters sorting through piles of new candidates' paperwork.
By no means should the experience be deemed strictly for resume building purposes. Embracing the skills and new lessons you can learn interning for a company is important, as this practical knowledge will surely come in handy later in one's career.
Also, do not get any old internship you can find. Try to get one that sparks your interest and has some relevance to the career path you wish to take later in life.
If you find your internship boring and pointless, it almost defeats the entire purpose of it.
The real world knowledge you will gain through a college internship will be evident to the employer or recruiter you are trying to impress.
Sitting through numerous interviews trying to fill the position you are applying for, as well as countless past interviews, interviewers begin to get a feel for judging a candidate's competency and experience by speaking to them. If you are 'winging it' it will show in your interview, as your answers will probably be shoddy and sloppy.
Speaking from actual experience and answering questions with some experience in the real world will allow you to provide thorough, well-informed answers to an interviewer's questions and prove your qualification for the position. It is never fun to stumble through an interview; it can take away one's confidence and become an embarrassing episode for a candidate trying to gain some interviewing confidence.
Participating in a college internship may help to provide the applicant with the ability to speak with confidence on subjects they have become well versed in over the course of the internship. While having a college internship on your resume by no means guarantees you a job once you graduate, many companies prefer to hire their own interns to new full time positions upon graduation.
Also, interviewing skills are priceless, speaking from one's own experiences only gives the applicant the ability to confidently answer any questions the recruiter may have about their qualifications. And, as always, a good GPA is usually important to employers hiring recent college graduates.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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